Learn to play and improve your golf with our expert team of LPGA and PGA qualified teaching professionals.

The Core Golf Swing Exercise

Karen Palacios-Jansen’s body motion golf swing exercise will help you improve your turn and weight shift and get ready to play well.

Stop Fighting Your Nerves!

Debbie O’Connell knows that your heart is pounding. Take a deep breath and go through your process. You can do it even when your body is shaking.

Do You Swing on Your Toes or Heels - Christina Ricci - Womens Golf

Do You Swing on Your Toes or Heels?

Christina Ricci has essential tips for golfers struggling with balance in their swings by focusing on the takeaway and ensuring a proper setup.

How Important is Your Ball Position?

Sue Shapcott shows that the correct ball position means you will make contact in the right part of the swing and more likely to hit a good shot.