Power Squats for more power and distance - women's golf
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How to Do Power Squats for More Speed and Distance

Karen Palacios-Jansen and Christina Ricci show you how to increase your leg strength and flexibility for golf with the power squats exercise.

One of the most important movements in golf is the squat position. You set up in a squat position at address position maintain that squat throughout the swing until impact, then used the stored energy in your legs to push off the ground for speed and power.

Squats will help you increase strength and flexibility. Leg strength and flexibility helps you transfer body weight onto the lead leg and to extend the hips up through impact. This move creates a tremendous amount of force to help create power.

In this video, Christina Ricci and I demonstrate the power squat exercise.

Improve Your Golf Swing and Your Fitness with Power Squats
Improve Your Golf Swing and Your Fitness with Power Squats

How to do the Power Squat exercise

  • Stand in a shoulder-width stance holding a small to medium weight.
  • Lower your rear-end backward towards the floor as you lower the weight to the ground while maintaining a straight back. Keep your abdominal muscles pulled in to protect your back.
  • Try to lower your thighs parallel to the ground.
  • Quickly and smoothly stand up as you press the weight over your head, extending your hips.
  • Do 8 to 10 repetitions.

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