Picture of Jane Filing (Editor)

Jane Filing (Editor)

Jane Filing is the Founder and Editor of and the Administrator of the Women's Golf Groups. started in 2014 and is home to the world's most popular member organization of women golfers with over 1300 easy to find lessons for all ages and standards. Lessons by Date | Lessons by Topic | Lessons by Instructor | Women's Golf Groups | Women's Golf Newsletters
Dixie and Rusty Crain - How to be the best parent caddie you can be - Michelle Holmes -

How to Be the Best Parent Caddie You Can Be

As a parent caddie, you are the most important person in your child’s golf journey. Michelle Holmes has some great tips on how to help your child have fun, learn faster, and perform better.

How a pro golfer travels -

How Does a Pro Golfer Travel?

Flights, hotels, exotic locations…. it all sounds so glamorous. Anna DePalma has some details of the realities including how to do your laundry in the hotel bathroom.