Picture of Jane Filing (Editor)

Jane Filing (Editor)

Jane Filing is the Founder and Editor of and the Administrator of the Women's Golf Groups. started in 2014 and is home to the world's most popular member organization of women golfers with over 1300 easy to find lessons for all ages and standards. Lessons by Date | Lessons by Topic | Lessons by Instructor | Women's Golf Groups | Women's Golf Newsletters

Play Better Bunker Shots – Newsletter

This week Christina has a great bunker tip, Karen shares her gentle on the joints golf workout, Sue Shapcott tackles good shot alignment, Cathy Kim has a drill for more solid iron shots, and Maria and Kellie take on putting downhill and green reading skills.

Hit Straighter Shots – Women’s Golf Lessons Newsletter

Happy Easter! I hope you are having a great weekend with your family and friends. In case you are getting out to the course or the range soon or are just thinking about your golf, here are six of this week’s lessons for you from our wonderful teaching group of LPGA and PGA instructors.

Expert Guide to Playing Hybrids

Hybrids really are the most versatile weapons in your bag. They can be used off the tee or fairway, and even work for chips and sand shots. We asked 13 expert LPGA and PGA teachers to share their favorite tip for playing great hybrid shots.

What is Your Pre-Round Warmup?- Women’s Golf Lessons Newsletter

Every couple of weeks I pose a question to the Women’s Golf Group to spark conversation and the latest is ‘What does your pre-round warmup look like?’ A good mix of responses and I’ve included some of them below.

Not sure what to take on your next golf trip? Lindsay Knowlton shares her packing list and we also have lessons from Cathy Kim, Erika Larkin, Meredith Kirk, Aimee Cho, and Megan Johnston.

Make Your Sand Shots a Breeze – Lessons Newsletter

Tired of that feeling of dread when your ball is heading into the bunker? Here are two handy lessons from Christina Ricci and Kristin Walla to help you escape from the sand first time. This week I also uploaded lessons from Natalie Adams, Trillium Rose and Debbie O’Connell plus Tony Jesselli’s annual LPGA Player of the Year predictions … Tony’s normally close to spot on so let’s see how he goes in 2024! Thank you for being a Women’s Golf Member and have a great golfing week!

Why Do all My Irons Go the Same Distance? – Lessons Newsletter

Oh No! I was running late with this week’s newsletter so not so much of my never ending commentary … It’s a no nonsense lessons only issue 🙂. Lessons for you from Sue Shapcott (irons), Trillium Rose (chipping), Karen PJ (warm-up routine), the ProGolfGals (shot visualization), Cindy Miller (golf bags), and Meredith Kirk (ball position).

Confidence on the Golf Course

The 5 lesson Confidence lesson program is designed to help you build and maintain your self-assurance on the course. Covering essential topics such as mindset mastery, setting realistic goals, positive self-talk, overcoming performance anxiety, course management, body language, dealing with setbacks, and building confidence with a solid pre-round routine.