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Wood Chop Exercise - Karen Palacios Jansen

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Work Your Core Golf Muscles With the Wood Chop Exercise

Karen Palacios-Jansen builds her core strength with the Wood Chop exercise using the same movement pattern as the golf swing. Good for power, speed, and endurance.

Your core including the supporting muscle groups such as shoulders, arms, and forearms help supply you with the power you need to create clubhead speed. This exercise has the same movement pattern used in the golf swing.

Directions for the Wood Chop Exercise

The wood chop exercise is a great way to work on your core muscles while increasing your heart rate to improve endurance.

  1. Stand, holding an exercise ball, golf club or hand weight with your arms extended.
  2. Squat down as you touch the ball to the ground by your right leg.
  3. Stand up and extend your arms as you press the ball up to the sky over your left shoulder.
  4. Return to the squat position as you touch the ball to the ground again by your right leg.
  5. Do 8 to 10 repetitions on one side and then repeat for the same amount of repetitions on the opposite side.
15 Minutes to a Smoother Swing: A Step-by-Step Practice Routine
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Improve Your Hip Mobility with Windshield Wipers
Karen Palacios Jansen demonstrates the Windshield Wipers exercise which will give you flexibility and help you rotate your hips in your golf swing.

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