Ai Miyazato 2017 KPMG Womens PGA Championship | Photo by Ben Harpring
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How to Play Like a Tour Player

Sport Psychologist, Dr. Nick Molinaro takes you through the do's and don'ts of playing high-level golf.

Since you have chosen to read this article it probably means you are serious about your golf game. There are many self-help books you can consider reading and they will more than likely tell you some of the mind mechanics necessary to play the game well. I would like to share some specifics about high-level performance in a Do and Don’t Do style.

Initially, I was not inclined to mention what not to do because as soon as you tell someone not to do something they are influenced by the suggestion. “Don’t hit the ball in the water…” is one of the most frequently used examples. I also like the suggestion, “Don’t think about pink elephants…” and straight away, you cannot yourself thinking about elephants.

The suggestion of not to do something immediately shifts your attention and you begin to defend against it. This is manifested in muscle tension when playing golf.  I will use the suggestion of what not to do only to demonstrate the context of what to do.


Don’t tell yourself you “can’t make the shot” but do tell yourself  “I have not been able to make it yet.”

Lexi Thompson | LPGA Women's Golf
Lexi Thompson – Indy Women in Tech Championship 2017| | photo: Ben Harpring


Don’t just go through a pre-shot routine without being able to identify that you are at a high level of focus but do evaluate your Focused Effort of a scale of 1-10 and only hit the shot when you are at least a 7.

Don’t just “see the ball” and “hit the ball”. Do use a pre-shot routine that includes deep, deliberate and dedication to the process of breathing, relaxing and imaging before each shot.

Don’t putt the ball after looking at the hole and bringing your attention back to it immediately. Do take at least 2 seconds but no more than 3 with your eyes fixated on a dimple at the back of the ball where you intend the putter to strike it.

Don’t get ready to hit the ball without taking a body scan to make sure you are relaxed. In addition to the square breathing technique, do relax your jaw.  Most golfers are unaware of this important element in performance as they mostly focus on shoulders, arms, and legs.


Don’t go to the course without mentally preparing for practice or playing.  Do go to the course identifying specific goals for the session.   Using the Skills/Challenge Model select a goal that you are working on and have the skill to accomplish it.  For example, you can have the challenge to focus on every shot…. you have the skill for that.  Rate your performance on the Focused Effort Scale of 1-10 after each shot.

Don’t go to the ball with a general idea of “making the shot.” When getting ready for the shot identify your specific intention on how you will execute it.  Do pay attention to the specific action required to make it identifying one specific aspect of your swing such as extension, shoulder turn, take away, etc.  Although there is a specific consciousness of one activity this will free your subconscious mind to execute the other elements necessary to make the shot.

Brittany and Brooke Henderson hard at work during the 2017 Volvik Ben Harpring Womens Golf
Brittany and Brooke Henderson hard at work during the 2017 Volvik. Photo: Ben Harpring


Don’t focus on the outcome of the shot or your score and do focus on the process of what you need to do with the club in order to execute it.

Lydia Ko - Indy Women in Tech Championship | photo by Ben Harpring
Lydia Ko – Indy Women in Tech Championship 2017 | Photo by Ben Harpring


Don’t play each shot as if it will be the one that makes the difference in the round. Do play each shot as an individual opportunity to perform it with excellence.

Don’t focus on how you feel before or after the shot and do focus on how well you executed it. Ask yourself, “Did I get it done…yes or no…and what did I learn. [td_smart_list_end]

Remember as always: Do as many of these things as possible while the other players in your group are playing their shots and do everything you can to keep up with the group ahead – play fast.

I trust these tips will help you perform at a higher level … these are the exact same tips I give all the LPGA Tour Players who work with me including Deanna D’Alessio and Sadena Parks.

Dr. Nick

Feature photo is of Ai Miyazato at the 2017 KPMG Women’s PGA Championship. All photos by Ben Harpring for Women’s Golf.

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