Picture of Dr. Nick Molinaro

Dr. Nick Molinaro

Our contributing writer in Sport Psychology, Dr. Nick Molinaro is a licensed psychologist with specialties in Counseling, Human Development, and Sport Psychology. Although his clients have ranged from the NASCAR, NBA, NFL, USA Ski, and Gymnastic Team members, he is mostly known for his work with golfers. Dr. Nick has worked with players on PGA, LPGA, Symetra, LET tours as well as collegiate players at some of America's most prestigious colleges including Oregon, Notre Dame, U Arizona, and U Texas.

Dr. Nick is the Mental Coach for the Michael Breed Golf Academy at Trump Golf Links, Fiddler’s Elbow Golf Academy, NJ and is an Advisory Board Member on and the Fellowship for Christian Athletes. He is frequently a guest on The Golf Fix on The Golf Channel and the 19th Hole Weekend Edition on CBS Sport Radio.

Find out more about golf psychology at Dr. Nick's website, and follow him online on TwitterFacebook, and Instagram.

Practice Range - Ben Harpring -

Taking Your Game From the Range to the Course

Dr. Nick Molinaro answers a question from Anna who needs advice on taking her game from the practice tee to the course – ‘I always seem to underperform compared to my practice sessions’

Minjee Lee - How to Enter the Flow State in Golf

How to Enter the Flow State in Golf

Sport psychologist, Dr. Nick Molinaro explains how the right pre-competition preparation can help golfers get into the high performance state of ‘flow’.

How Do You Practice Golf?

Dr. Nick Molinaro with the help of LPGA Tour Player, Diana D’Alessio, shows you how to practice golf optimally and get the most out of your game.