One of the best things about golf is that it can be a family affair but not since the delightful Ella and Lucy Jerde have we featured golfing sisters in our Girls Golf section. Mackenzie (14) and Maggie (aged 9) Paolino from Cape Coral/Fort Myers in Florida came to our attention as young players who love playing and practicing together. Let’s meet them:

Hi girls, you live in a great area for golf. Can you remember what got you started?
Mackenzie: Dad started taking me to the driving range with him and in 6th grade when I was 12 years old I decided to try out for the middle school golf team and made it as the only girl.
Maggie: I got to go along and play around and I really liked hitting the golf balls. I was 6 years old.
Where do you go to play and practice?
Mackenzie: I play at Coral Oaks Golf Course every Saturday and other times when I get the chance. I like showing everyone that girls can do it just like the boys.
Maggie: I play at the driving range at Coral Oaks. The coaches are a lot of fun. They play putting games with the kids and you can win a dollar.
That’s terrific, putting competitions are a lot of fun!! You’ve both got really good golf swings. Who is teaching you how to play golf?
Mackenzie: I have lessons at Coral Oaks every Saturday with Jim Dunn. He is the high school coach where I will be going to school next year.
Maggie: I play at a golf clinic with other kids on Saturdays with coach Jim & coach Chris.