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Kailey Crawford – Super Swing and Attitude

Women’s golf is not just about the stars of the LPGA and LET. We want to highlight the regular players and fans of the game, particularly the girls and young women who are just starting out on a lifetime of golf.

Earlier this month we spotted Kailey Crawford, a very keen 11 year old Georgian via a video (below) on her mom Ashley’s Twitter account. Kailey recently shot an 84 from the red tees at River Forest Golf Course and loves to practice and play.


Hi Kailey, we think you’ve got a great swing. what made you want to start playing golf and how old were you?
Several summers ago, I went to the golf course with my dad. I watched him tee off on the first hole, and I asked him if I could try and hit a ball. He said yes, and, so, I used his club to hit the ball. After I had followed through with the swing, my dad said, “Wow, Kailey! You have a very good swing.” From that moment on, I was hooked on golf at the age of eight years.

Georgia is a great state for golf. Where do you play and what is it you most like about your course?
I like to play and practice at Sun City Peachtree and Morgan Dairy Golf Club, both courses located here in Griffin, Georgia. I like that both courses are challenging. Both have a nice driving range, putting green, and chipping area.

That’s a great sign that you obviously love to practice. Are you having lessons? 
I take golf lessons from Bobby Hix, professional golfer at Idle Hour Country Club in Macon, GA.

What do you love most about golf?
I love everything about golf, from playing different courses, meeting and playing with different people, and competing in tournaments.

Women’s golf is really booming and there are so many great young women on the tour to follow. Who is your favorite player?
My favorite player is Michelle Wie. I admire her because, not only is she a great golfer, she has a super attitude. She seems sweet and laughs a lot.

Kailey Crawford with her dad as caddy

Kailey Crawford with her dad as caddy

Thank you Kailey, make sure you keep practicing and above all, keep up that positive attitude and enjoy your golf.

bobby hixKailey is a wonderful young lady, works very hard and is a tremendous talent. She makes my job easy and fun. Bobby Hix – Idle Hour Golf Club

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