Golfers really relate to Christina’s style of communication, delivering clear, concise advice that helps players of all skill levels. Christina took up the game in 2000 and dropped to a 5 handicap in five short years. She published her first book A Girl’s On-Course Survival Guide to Golf in 2008 and never looked back. Christina has an extensive offering of learning opportunities for passionate players looking for more pars. Check out


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Top Five Tips for Compressing the Ball

Compression creates spin with a penetrating ball flight that helps you keep your ball on target with good distance. LPGA Class A Instructor Christina Ricci shares her favorite tips for compressing the ball.

Five Tips to Get Rid of that Over the Top Move

Struggling with wayward tee shots and poor contact from the fairway? It may be your over the top swing. Class A LPGA Instructor Christina Ricci identifies the fault with some great fixes for practice and the course.

Learn What Your Clubface is Doing in Your Swing

LPGA Instructor Christina Ricci shows how important it is to understand where your clubface is at the top of the backswing. Is it square, open or closed, if you don’t it will result in extra work on the downswing to save face (bring it back to square). So, let’s get to it

Getting Forward Shaft Lean

The forward leaning shaft at impact is one of the most common features of great ball strikers. LPGA Instructor Christina Ricci defines why we need it, how much, and how you can get more of it.

Why You Should be Fitted for Your New Putter

Missing the hole left and right or just can’t get comfortable over the ball? LPGA and PGA Class A Instructor Christina Ricci shows the key benefits of getting fitted for the most suitable putter length.

What Starts the Swing?

If you’re not really clear what initiates the takeaway then this tip from Christina Ricci with the key ingredients for a successful start to your swing is definitely for you.

Ditch the Flicks from Your Chips

Do you struggle around the green with chip shots that you either skull or hit fat? LPGA Instructor Christina Ricci has a couple of great drills to make sure that you stop flicking at the ball.

Maintaining Your Golf Posture

Christina Ricci from gives you two really strong cues to help you stay in your golf posture and create more effortless golf shots from the tee or fairway.

STOP Committing the Fake Backswing

LPGA Class A Instructor Christina Ricci demonstrates four of the most common backswing faults and the fixes and feels that you need for a more powerful start to your swing.

Shape Your Shots On Demand

Christina Ricci shows how you can learn how to shape shots on demand, just like the pros. No matter what level golfer, you too, can create a draw or fade. So, let’s get to it!