Golfers really relate to Christina’s style of communication, delivering clear, concise advice that helps players of all skill levels. Christina took up the game in 2000 and dropped to a 5 handicap in five short years. She published her first book A Girl’s On-Course Survival Guide to Golf in 2008 and never looked back. Christina has an extensive offering of learning opportunities for passionate players looking for more pars. Check out


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To Learn a New Move – Practice Super SloMo

Christina Ricci sees a lot players going crazy fast when they’re trying to learn a new move because they’re anxious. When you go too fast you don’t give your brain time to learn the move properly. Slow down – it really works!

Simple Steps for Chipping from Uneven Lies

Christina Ricci’s complete uneven lies chipping technique for getting it close to the pin when playing a chip shot above and below your feet on downhill and uphill lies.

Get Really Good Inside 100 Yards

Many players struggle inside 100 yards. If you’re one of them, watch Christina Ricci’s video lesson to make sure that you are rotating correctly and have enough forward shaft lean.

Are Your Hands Deep Enough?

LPGA Instructor and author Christina Ricci shows how improving your hand depth will help you with avoiding slices and pull shots off the tee.

Stop Trying to Hit the Ball with your Upper Body

Christina Ricci demonstrates how overusing your upper body throws your golf swing out of sequence and makes solid ball striking nearly impossible. Christina gives you a simple cue to help improve your transition and get you back to solid shots.

The Range Basket Golf Swing Drill

Watch Christina Ricci show how to groove the golf swing using a range basket and experience what a good swing with a club should feel like.

Don’t Be a Knee Diver!

Christina Ricci shows that how you are addressing the ball with your knees plays a key role in turning on or off the glutes and core muscles. Watch Christina’s video for the causes and best solutions.

Bad Alignment Changes Your Swing

Christina Ricci’s masterclass on lining up your shots correctly. Alignment is a BIG deal. If it’s off, your swing plane WILL change. If you do make a good swing, the ball will be off line. Instead, let Christina get your alignment process spot on!