Picture of Natalie Adams

Natalie Adams

Natalie is an AA class PGA Professional with over 25 years of experience specializing in coaching.

Based at the Smash Factor Golf Coaching studio in Cheshire, covering the North West of England, the Midlands and North Wales, Natalie offers a comprehensive online coaching program. She is at the forefront of delivering the highest levels of knowledge and experience and continues to learn and improve her coaching style, to deliver the highest quality improvement sessions that she adapts to each individual client.

Find Natalie on YouTube at: and follow Smash Factor Golf Coaching on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.

Load and Explode in your Golf Swing

“I’ve never met one golfer asking for less distance!” Natalie Adams shows how to load in your back swing which will then allow you to explode in your down swing and create maximum club head speed.

Stop Scooping the Ball Through Impact

Natalie Adams from Smash Factor golf coaching helps you to stop scooping your irons and improve ball compression with a drill promoting a better trail wrist position.

How to Hit the Perfect Draw

Natalie Adams from Smash Factor golf coaching shows you a really simple way to set up correctly for the draw shot that starts to the right (left for left handers) and then curves in towards the target.

Use Footwork Pressure to Stop Hanging Back

If you are someone that struggles with hanging back in your swing Natalie Adams from Smash Factor Golf Coaching has an easy to implement training drill to get your feet moving properly through impact.

What to Do When You’ve Missed the Fairway

Natalie Adams takes you out on the course in four scenarios you can face when you miss the fairway with your tee shot. Learn how to put a great score together even if you’re not playing your best from the tee.

How to Create Backspin

Natalie Adams from Smash Factor Golf Coaching covers the 3 essential shot ingredients for backspin – clubhead speed, spin loft, and friction.

Stop Sliding in Your Golf Swing

Natalie Adams from Smash Factor Golf helps you to stop sliding your pelvis and lower body and improve your rotation through impact.