How you position your club at the top of your backswing is actually all about your wrists and what they are doing. It’s a hard place to check because it’s not easy to look at and it’s in motion!
If your swing is inconsistent, your wrists at the top may be the problem so here is a simple way to check.
Start with your club at an L shape. So it is 90 degrees with your arms. Now take your wrist and twist them side to side, you’re still going to keep that 90-degree angle, but you’ll rotate them to the left and to the right.
Anything extreme is bad – too far to the right or the left. Somewhere in the middle is good. And that’s the feeling that you want at the top of the backswing. So when you get up to the top and you can look in the mirror to see. Are you neutral, or you extreme? Neutral is a nice safe place to be to get your transition off to a nice start.