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Miss Your Putts on the Pro Side

Maria Palozola's putting drill challenges you to play enough break on every putt, which many amateurs fail to do. Keeping it on the high side will help you hole more putts.

Pick a breaking putt and take time to read the putt and determine the break. Once you have done this place some tees blocking the middle and low side of the cup to force yourself to hit the putt on the high side and play enough break.

Roll putts of varying lengths practicing this drill to help your eyes better see the break. After some time you will start to see the curve on your putts better and focus on where your ball should enter the cup.

Practice the Miss it on the Pro Side Drill to read plenty of break and miss your putts on the “Pro Side” or high side of the hole. Since most amateurs under read break and most by 50% or more, learning to read enough break will lead to making more putts.

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