Karen Palacios-Jansen - Lunge with Twist
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Improve Your Golf and Fitness with the Lunge with Twist

Karen Palacios-Jansen demonstrates the Lunge with Twist exercise to help you increase strength and mobility in your lower body.

In Cardiogolf, we do a variety of lunges in different planes of motion. The forward lunge works the muscles differently than the reverse and side lunge. All are good to help increase strength and mobility in your lower body.

There are many benefits of the lunge exercise include developing strength and firmness in your lower body. Adding the twisting part of the exercise teaches you to rotate over the resistance of your lower body just as you need to do in the golf swing.

Improve Your Golf and Fitness with this Cardiogolf Exercise-Lunge with Twist
Improve Your Golf and Fitness with this Cardiogolf Exercise-Lunge with Twist

How to do the Lunge with Twist

  • Hold an exercise ball with both hands and extend your arms.
  • Lunge forward with your left leg, keeping your arms parallel to the ground.
  • As you lunge, simultaneously rotate your torso to the right, keeping your arms parallel to the ground, hold the position for a moment.
  • Return to the start position and repeat on the opposite leg.
  • Do 8 to 10 repetitions on each leg.

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