Instructional articles, golf tips, and video lessons from our expert team of qualified LPGA and PGA instructors.

Change Trajectory with any Golf Club

In this quick tip from LPGA instructor Gianna Augustine learn how to change your ball flight with your iron shots by moving the ball back or forward at address.

Avoid Rolling your Forearms in the Backswing

TPI Certified instructor Michele Low shows how to get your backswing off to a good start by not rolling your forearms and check that you’re doing it right with a Michele’s practice drill.

The Spoke Drill

If you’re struggling to make good contact with your shots try Trillium Rose’s Spoke Drill.

Five Tips to Get Rid of that Over the Top Move

Struggling with wayward tee shots and poor contact from the fairway? It may be your over the top swing. Class A LPGA Instructor Christina Ricci identifies the fault with some great fixes for practice and the course.

Alignment Train Tracks

Megan Johnston shows that how to give yourself the best chance of a great shot by aligning your club to the target line first and then setting up your feet and body in parallel.

Learn What Your Clubface is Doing in Your Swing

LPGA Instructor Christina Ricci shows how important it is to understand where your clubface is at the top of the backswing. Is it square, open or closed, if you don’t it will result in extra work on the downswing to save face (bring it back to square). So, let’s get to it

Do You Need to Wear a Golf Glove?

Cindy Miller’s tips for newer golfers on getting a glove. The glove goes on your forward hand and having a glove can help stop the grip from slipping in your hand.

How to Control Your Putting Distance

If there is one secret to putting, it is learning to control your distance. Sue Shapcott explains your putting grip options and drills that will help you to control your putting distance.