Instructional articles, golf tips, and video lessons from our expert team of qualified LPGA and PGA instructors.

Give Your Snap Hook the Boot

Kristin Walla takes on the snap hook. She shows how a proper grip, swing plane and weight transfer work together to get the ball traveling on a straight and long path.

You’ve Got Your First Tee Time. Now What?

Knowing what to do when you first start playing at a course can be very daunting for new golfers. Here’s Coach Shayain with some great tips to help you have a relaxed and enjoyable round.

Check Your Wrists at the Top of Your Swing

Here’s a quick wrist check at the top of your swing from Trillium Rose to improve your golf. A neutral lead wrist works for almost all amateur players because it helps keep the club in plane on the way down and minimizes unnecessary moving parts.

Don’t Be a Knee Diver!

Christina Ricci shows that how you are addressing the ball with your knees plays a key role in turning on or off the glutes and core muscles. Watch Christina’s video for the causes and best solutions.

Practice in a Bunker to Stop Lifting the Ball

If you are someone who stands up in your wedge shots and tries to lift the ball, follow this advice from Cathy Kim and spend some quality time in the sand working on hitting down on the ball.

Simplify Your Wedge Game

Are you struggling with your wedges? LPGA Instructor Meredith Kirk demonstrates how to improve and build confidence in those very important scoring shots.

3 Quick Tips to Improve your Tempo

Good tempo is a product of FEELING the club head and staying with the motion. Kristin Walla demonstrates three great practice drills to help you find your perfect golf swing tempo.

Should You Tee Up the Ball on a Par 3?

‘Should I use a tee peg on a par 3?’ is a very common question for golfers. Natalie Adams from Smash Factor Golf Coaching takes you through the two main benefits of using a tee peg even with an iron.