Aimee Cho

Aimee Cho has been hooked on golf since the age of six. Playing for the University of Florida. Aimee was selected to be on the NCAA All-American Team and SEC First Team two years in a row and was only the 2nd freshman in UF history to be the SEC’s individual golf champion.

After graduation, Aimee played professionally for 10 years, living out a childhood dream of playing golf professionally and participating in iconic events as the US Women’s Open in 2006 and 2013. After retiring from pro golf because of chronic back problems, Aimee worked as a television broadcaster providing golf advice on a Korean television station in Los Angeles and coaching students of all levels in golf.

The ‘Golf with Aimee’ Youtube channel now has over 32 million views and carries hundreds of high-quality golf lessons in English and Korean. For more information, visit Aimee’s website at

Stop Your Slice with the Correct Hip Turn
If you have issues slicing it off the tee, you won't want to miss this lesson from Aimee Cho. Aimee will...
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Get Started with your Driver
Aimee Cho explains and demonstrates the driving fundamentals that will help newer golfers start hitting...
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What to Feel During Transition for an Effortless Swing
Aimee Cho shows what to do at the transition from backswing to downswing with a practice drill to help...
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Fix Your Hip Turn for More Power
LPGA Professional Instructor Aimee Cho shows how to ensure that you're making a powerful hip turn in...
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'Throw Through' to Hit Your Drives Further
Aimee Cho shows how to produce a throwing sensation and setup to hit your tee shots further with an upwards...
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Check that Your Swing Hits these 3 Important Positions
Aimee Cho demonstrates the three positions you need to hit to build a great full swing and introduces...
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Hit More Fairways! Improve Your Driving Instantly
LPGA Class "A" Teaching Professional Aimee Cho shows you some fast and effective driving tips to get...
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Tips for Hitting Your 3 Wood
LPGA Professional Instructor Aimee Cho shows you two drills to help with the adjustments you need to...
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Generate More Power with your Lead Leg
LPGA Class A teacher Aimee Cho shows you the importance of the forward leg (left for right handers) and...
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Master Those Short Putts
Having trouble with 3 footers? Wondering if there is a shortcut to mastering short putts? Aimee Cho shows...
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Should I Be Taking a Divot?
How important is it to take a divot? It depends on your swing type, the club you are using and the turf...
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Get More Stability and Better Rhythm in Your Putting Stroke
LPGA instructor Aimee Cho shows how to lower your scores with grip advice and key points for putting...
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Master Those Short Putts

Having trouble with 3 footers? Wondering if there is a shortcut to mastering short putts? Aimee Cho shows you a fantastic drill to help you perfect your putting!

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Stop Your Slice with the Correct Hip Turn

If you have issues slicing it off the tee, you won’t want to miss this lesson from Aimee Cho. Aimee will help you understand the concept of why the slice miss happens and how to fix it on your own focusing on the lower body.

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