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Overcoming Your First Tee Nerves – The Top 3 Lessons

Our three most helpful lessons as voted by Women's Golf members, that answer the common question: 'How do I calm my nerves on the first tee'.
First Tee Jitters

Do you get nervous on the first tee? If you want to improve your mental game, here’s how using a pre-shot routine can help you get focused and prepared to hit the shot, while calming your nerves.
The Instructor: Dr. Alison Curdt

Beating Those First Tee Jitters

It’s no fun playing when your nerves are on edge. Your focus should be on your plan and pre-shot routine so that you can produce the best possible tee shot.
The Instructor: Cindy Miller

The Cure for Your First Tee Jitters

Start your round with confidence on the first tee and set up a fun, successful round!
The Instructor: Elana King

Honorable Mention

These next two excellent lessons from Deb Vangellow and Katie Dahl will really help you but as they are text based rather than video, I haven’t embedded them so that this page isn’t too long.

10 Ways to Beat Your Nerves on the Golf Course – Deb Vangellow

First Tee Pressure: How to Handle it Like a Pro – Katie Dahl 

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