Picture of Megan Johnston

Megan Johnston

Originally from Northern Ireland, Megan Johnston represented her country playing competitively in the Junior Ranks and came to America on a Division 1 golf scholarship.

As an LPGA professional Golf Instructor at Golf Skills Coaching based at Orange County National in Florida, Megan teaches all ages and skill levels ranging from competitive high schoolers to Florida senior game champions in Missouri, Arizona, Maine, and Florida. 

Megan’s teaching methods are noted as both unique and effective as she helps improve her client’s game by focusing on individual goal setting.

You won’t want to miss Megan on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter where she shares tips and recommends simple drills for improving your game.

Fix Your Open Clubface

Get your wrist and clubface in the best position for more consistent shots. LPGA Instructor Megan Johnston shows how with the tee and glove drill.

Stop Topping those Drives

One of the most common causes of topped drives is having your hands ahead of the clubface at impact. Megan Johnston has a quick practice drill to help you make solid contact off the tee.

Change Your Flat Backswing

If your backswing is too flat it may lead to poorly struck and inconsistent shots. Try this easy drill from Megan Johnston to get your club on the right plane in your backswing.

Do You Thin Your Chip Shots?

LPGA Teaching Professinal Megan Johnston has a simple focus drill to help you get the bottom of your chipping swing arc in front of the ball.