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Stop the Slice - Dr Alison Curdt

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Start Your Swing With Your Lower Body to Stop that Slice

LPGA and PGA Master Professional Alison Curdt tees off on a dogleg par five with a great tip to take the slice out of your drives.

Often the slice move starts with the upper body first because you are trying to hit your driver really hard. When the body starts first the golf club gets out in front and moves towards the left (for right handers) creating the side spin of a wicked slice.

Instead, go the top of your backswing count to two and begin the downswing with your lower body and as you do you’ll notice that the golf club stays more behind you not out in front.

Starting with the lower body puts your golf club on the right plane which will help you hit the fairway.

Shallow Your Swing to Hit Better Shots
If you struggle with an out-to-in move from the top of your swing Alison Curdt's drill will help you feel the right positions to get your shaft on plane resulting in better ball striking.
Your Body Turn Sequencing Drill
In this valuable video tip from Alison Curdt, learn how to get the correct parts of your body turning properly in the right order.
Stop Your Swing Sway Practice Drill
Eliminating your sway will improve your contact and help you get rid of topped and thin shots. All you need is a chair and Alison Curdt's easy to practice at home golf drill.

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