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Alison Curdt - Regulate your emotions - womens-golf

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Regulating Your Emotions on the Golf Course

Feeling angry or frustrated when you play? Dr. Alison Curdt has 5 steps to get you handling your emotions on the golf course.
Your Mental Strategy for Getting Out of Trouble
We all hit it in the weeds at some point so here’s a great mental strategy from Dr. Alison Curdt to help you stop the bleeding and get back in play!
Quiet Your Chatter For Peak Performance
"I’m a horrible putter" - Dr. Alison Curdt has a plan to help you monitor your brain chatter and take control so you can play more mindful shots and allow your best golf to show up more often.
Changing Your Expectations on the Course
Our Golf Psychology section leader, Dr. Alison Curdt advises her student to see the inevitable variables of golf as exciting opportunities to excel.

WOMENSGOLF.COM is owned and operated by the Women’s Golf Group, the world’s most popular online community of women golfers. Right now you can become a Women’s Golf Member for less than $1 a week with instant and unlimited access to all lessons, groups, lesson requests and bookmarking.

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After your first login your browser should autofill your password. If it doesn’t, here is some information on how to change your settings.  Contact Jane if you need assistance.