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Kristin Walla and Natalie Gulbis

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3 Tips for Bombing Your Drives

It's the number one question in Pro-Ams every week. "How do I hit longer drives?" Kristin Walla and Natalie Gulbis show you how to get those extra yards off the tee with speed and solid contact.

1. Setup up with your body back further behind the ball

2. Widen your stance

3. Take the club back from the ball low, slow and wide.

So there you go. Speed plus solid contact in the center of the clubface equals distance.

Release the Tension in Your Golf Swing
Tension is killing your golf swing. Here's how to relax. Kristin Walla solves the big issue of steering with your arms and shows how to gain mobility and distance in your swing.
Give Your Snap Hook the Boot
Kristin Walla takes on the snap hook. She shows how a proper grip, swing plane and weight transfer work together to get the ball traveling on a straight and long path.
How to Get the Golf Ball in the Air
Kristin Walla shows how the worst thing you can do when you want to get the ball off the ground is try to keep your head down! Let it go, let it flow and enjoy the ride.

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