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Warm Up Exercise - Standing Hip Wraps - Karen Palacios Jansen

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Why Warm Up Before Golf?

Avoid Big Numbers on Your Card! Karen Palacios-Jansen explains the costs of not doing your warm up and demonstrates the Standing Hip Wraps exercise.

Why Warm Up?

For many of us, we used to be able to hop out of the car, go straight to the first tee and rip a drive down the middle of the fairway. If you skip your warm-up before a round of golf it may mean that it takes you 4 or 5 holes before you loosen up and gain your form, and by that time your score may already be ruined.

The point of a warm-up is to elevate your heart rate to get your blood flowing to warm muscles so they are loose and supple to make it is easier to swing. You can do this warm-up at your house before your round of golf if you don’t have a long drive to the golf course or on the driving range. Don’t be embarrassed to do the routine, it couldn’t more humiliating than topping your drive off the first tee.

There are many ways to warm-up like jogging, doing jumping jacks or even taking practice swings, but this exercise targets golf-specific muscles.

In this video, I show you a quick and easy pre-round warm-up exercise to help you avoid those big numbers on the scorecard.

Standing Hip Wraps for Golfers

Your ability to rotate your shoulders, torso, and hips around your spine determines how much clubhead speed you create in your golf swing. Spinal mobility decreases with age.

Lack of spinal mobility is also associated with poor posture and restricts your shoulder and torso turn in the golf swing.

Adding rotational exercises into your daily routine, especially before you warm up, can facilitate a more effective turn and help you increase clubhead speed for more distance… and who doesn’t want distance?

How to Do Standing Hip Wraps

  • Stand in a shoulder width stance with your arms by your side.
  • Keeping your lower body relatively stable, slowly begin to rotate your upper body side to side.
  • As you warm up, increase the size and speed of the rotation.
  • Let your arms hang naturally and wrap around your hips.
  • Alternate rotating rotating side to side for 8 to 10 repetitions on both sides.

Try this easy to do exercise before you go out on the practice range or the course.

Your Pre-Round Warm Up Routine for Golf
Karen Palacios Jansen shares her quick and easy warm up that you can do before you play or practice, or even on a daily basis to help with your balance, weight shift and flexibility.
Generate More Power in Your Swing with Skate Lunges
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Improve Your Hip Mobility with Windshield Wipers
Karen Palacios Jansen demonstrates the Windshield Wipers exercise which will give you flexibility and help you rotate your hips in your golf swing.

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