This is one of my favorite putting tips because it’s the easiest way to reduce strokes and really find your finesse with the putter. With your putting you want to make sure that you have soft hands. We’re not swinging with driver out on the range so we we don’t need to have a firm grip pressure. On a scale of one to ten you should have your putter grip pressure about a four or five.

So how do you find the correct grip pressure for you? One simple way is to hold the putter straight out in front of you and grip it at a really strong 10! At this point your arms are probably going to be really straight.
Now that you’ve found your ’10’ I want you to bounce the club up and down and loosen it each time you bounce. As you can see in the video as I bounce and count right down I get to the point where I am able to hinge my hands and everything is nice and loose.
Once you’re down to about four or five, bring the putter down, take your stance and apply that same grip pressure. The goal is to be able to feel your shoulders while you’re putting because it should be your shoulders making the putting motion. We don’t want your hands or arms involved and we don’t want any tension running up to the shoulders.
So by having soft hands at about a level four or five, your grip pressure is really going to help you create a nice putting stroke.
I hope you enjoyed this short putting tip. Get out there, soften those hands and use your shoulders to make more putts.