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This Special Offer is only available to current subscribers to the Women’s Golf Newsletter.  login here

NEWSLETTER SPECIAL: US$60 /year for unlimited access to all lessons and groups including bookmarking and lesson requests. 30-Day Money Back Guarantee.

We won’t ever raise your special subscription rate. Your US$60 per year special rate is guaranteed never to increase. 

You are not locked into a subscription you don’t want. You can instantly cancel renewals at any time on your member page accessible via the member’s menu at the top of every page.

We value your security, privacy, and the trust you place in us. Subscription payments are handled by Stripe and Paypal, the most secure and trusted payment platforms on the internet. Women’s Golf do not hold any card details or any other financial information. All we keep is your name and email address.

If you have any technical problems while registering please email Jane at jane@womensgolf.com.

If you live outside the United States your financial institution will automatically convert your payment.

Looking for the perfect gift for your favorite golfer? Go to our Gift Membership page.

WomensGolf.com is owned, managed and funded by the members of the Women’s Golf Group, the world’s most popular online network of enthusiastic women golfers just like you. Try membership for a month and see if it’s the best investment in your golf game you’ve ever made.
This is the place for you to find and bookmark the best lessons for women golfers presented by the best female golf instructors in the world – All Ad Free!
Most of the thousand+ carefully curated lessons and all of the video courses here on WomensGolf.com are not available anywhere else on the internet. You’ll love having so many lessons by leading female instructors and designed to help women golfers organized in one place, sorted by topic, searchable, and advertising free. 
Because WomensGolf.com is run co-operatively by women golfers and fully funded by member subscriptions. We don’t accept sponsorships or brand partnerships and we don’t permit advertising or promotional articles on the site or in the groups. 
It is the world’s most comprehensive and popular learning resource and community for women golfers. Your subscription is used to maintain and improve WomensGolf.com and manage the Women’s Golf online community groups. It’s a small investment in your game that goes a long way.
Lots! I love this question because we are definitely unique. Here are the top three reasons given by women’s golf members when asked why they joined and why they are so happy with their membership.
1. It’s Made by Women Golfers for Women Golfers – All the lessons are produced specifically with the needs of women golfers in mind and nearly all of our teachers are female. All of our instructors are experienced LPGA and PGA professionals who understand the types of golf instruction women golfers are looking for.
2. Exclusive Lessons all in One Place. Most of the hundreds of carefully curated lessons and all of the video courses on the site are not available elsewhere on the internet. You’ll love having so many lessons made for women golfers organized in one place, sorted by topic, searchable, and advertising free.
3. Lessons and Community. Having all these lessons for women golfers in one advertising free place is magical but on top of that, our two Facebook groups are unique, private, and strictly moderated online spaces where women from all over the world share and discuss their golf successes, challenges, and experiences.
All the lessons and coaching courses on WomensGolf.com and membership in our two groups on Facebook.  Also lesson requests and bookmarking, members only golf discounts, and my weekly New Lessons member updates.
We want to help you play better and enjoy your golf more. As a member you will have unlimited access to our high quality golf lessons and membership of our worldwide online community of women golfers.
More than 1000 easy to find lessons and video courses on every part of the game produced especially for women golfers by our world-famous team of LPGA and PGA instructors including Deb Vangellow, Alison Curdt, Erika Larkin, Christina Ricci, Maria Palozola, and many more top teachers.
Exclusive bookmarking of lesson so that you can save your favorite tips for later reference.
The Women’s Golf Lessons Group on Facebook. Every day we upload a new lesson and answer questions and requests from members.
You will also be part of our fun and friendly community, with the private online Women’s Golf Social Group and Lessons Group on Facebook (moderated by me 🙂) where thousands of friendly and enthusiastic women golfers from all over the world share their course reviews, lesson requests, and golf photos, videos, and experiences.
Members also enjoy access to passwordless logins and receive my personally written Women’s Golf Newsletter with all the new lessons from WomensGolf.com and highlights from the members groups.
A new lesson is published every day. Here are our latest lessons.
Here are the lessons and contact details of the Women’s Golf teachers.
We’re proud of how easy to find our lessons are. Try the Lesson Finder
Lesson requests are answered daily in the Member’s Lessons Group on Facebook.
I do! Hi, my name is Jane Filing, I’m a former elementary school teacher and the founder of WomensGolf.com. In November 2014 with the help of a small but very talented technical team led by my partner, Richard, and the world’s best LPGA and PGA teachers and golf industry experts, we started to build a great (hopefully you agree 😊) online learning resource for regular and new women golfers of all ages and standards.
Over the last nine years, WomensGolf.com has grown to become the world’s most popular website and community for women’s golf with more than 300,000 golfers improving their game with our lessons and courses every month.
As the website and membership grew we introduced an online community for members with two private groups on Facebook. The fantastic spirit of friendship and support in these groups are now two of the most common reasons that people give when they are asked why they joined Women’s Golf.
You may have noticed that we do not accept any sort of advertising, sponsorship, or commissions on the website or in the groups. This makes the site a very clean and enjoyable learning experience for the members.
All our running costs are paid with member subscriptions so if you like what we are doing with Women’s Golf, please join to support our work to receive unlimited access to lessons, video coaching courses, and membership in the Women’s Golf Social and Lessons groups on Facebook.
Thank you for your interest in Women’s Golf.
Jane Filing


We’ve put a lot of effort and experience into presenting a great program of lessons and a friendly managed community for women golfers. I personally guarantee that you will love being a member and that the expert instruction will help you start playing better golf.

Try Women’s Golf membership for 30-days and if for any reason you don’t absolutely love it I’ll refund your payment in full with no questions asked!

Yes anyone, women or men, can join but we do reserve the right to reject applications from marketers and other people who are trying to join for the wrong reasons.
We want to make sure that new members will really benefit from joining and that they will be a good fit for the group.
Our members really love golf and enjoy meeting like-minded golfers and sharing experiences in our wonderful game.
WomensGolf.com is run co-operatively by women golfers and fully funded by subscriptions. We don’t permit advertising or promotional articles on the site or in the groups. 
It is the world’s most comprehensive and popular learning resource and community for women golfers. Your subscription is used to maintain and improve WomensGolf.com and manage the Women’s Golf online community groups.
Your subscription is a small investment in your game that goes a long way.

To buy a year’s membership as a gift for your favorite golfer go to the Gift Membership page.

Women’s Golf subscriptions are in United States dollars (USD$).  This is because all of our running costs like website hosting and system support are in USD.
If you live outside the United States your financial institution will automatically convert your membership payment but if you prefer to pay directly in another currency or need any assistance please email me at members@womensgolf.com.