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Hope Island Pro Am Photo Essay
Queensland photographer, David Burness's photo essay of the Hope Island Pro-Am.
Get Into Golf - English Midlands
Emma Ballard participates in the highly successful England Golf initiative 'Get Into golf' at the Bromsgrove Golf Centre.
Women's Golf: an Academic Perspective
You may be asking yourself, “Why should I care if women’s golf is studied by a bunch of professors?" - Dr. Kelly Price
When it Comes to College Scholarships for Junior Golfers: Advantage Girls
Golf writer, John Mooshie looks at the many college golf opportunities for young women particularly in Division III schools.
How to Play the Knockdown Shot in Golf
Carlos Brown and student Kat Reeves demonstrate the key elements of the knockdown shot to help you have more control and lower your scores in 2017.
How Yoga Will Improve Your Golf Game
LPGA Teaching Professional, Kathleen Heiney introduces the many ways that the practice of yoga will change your golf and your life.
How to Chip Using the Ratio Method
Pete Kelbel teaches when you are just off the green and feel that you are a little too far away to putt, it is time to put ratio chipping into action.
Hope and Eve Neild - Players to Watch
In our latest Girls Golf feature, we meet English golfing sisters Hope and Eve Neild from Royal Norwich Golf Club.
How to Enter the Flow State in Golf
Sport psychologist, Dr. Nick Molinaro explains how the right pre-competition preparation can help golfers get into the high performance state of 'flow'.
Amy Walsh's LET Access Series Travels and a Royal Encounter
Amy Walsh gets close to the Queen, plays some great LET Access Series golf with Stacey Keating (pictured), and pays tribute to Beth Allen's amazing year on tour.
Patty Jewett Golf Course – A City Resource for All
Ann Guiberson shares the special history and charm of the 118-year old Patty Jewett Golf Course.
How Social Media Can Help or Hurt Your College Golf Chances
College Golf recruitment consultant, Brandi Jackson, has some expert advice about the right and wrong ways to use social media to influence your college golf prospects.
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