Would you like to lower your golf scores by improving your short game? Here’s how you can make your chipping better by combining the right fundamentals with my easy anti-scooping drill.
Fundamental Set Up for Chipping
When you set up, most of the time you will want to have seventy percent of your weight towards the target. Play the ball back in your stance closer to your trail foot. Another very important key is to keep your wrists nice and firm when you’re swinging back and through. What you definitely don’t want to do is scoop or lift the ball.
Here’s a drill to get out of that scooping action.
Take your lead arm and hold it at the very bottom of the grip.
Take the grip let that handle rest on your forearm with your trail hand.
Hold the handle and your forearm together …. now you can’t use your wrists so there’s no scoop possible.
I want you to practice chipping with this grip keeping the clubhead low to the ground and swinging with a pendulum action using your big muscles.
When you take some time to practice this anti-scoop drill, your chipping will improve and you will save shots around the green.