Sarita Diaz is only 5 years old and lives in Bogota, Colombia, where she attends the Marymount School. We found out about Sarita’s fun approach to the game and her sweet little swing when her dad, Carlos, sent us a beautiful short video of her hitting some practice tee shots in practice (below). Naturally, her hero is LPGA’s only Colombian player, Maria Uribe. We caught up with Carlos and Sarita via email and Facebook to find out more about this delightful young golfer.
Carlos, how old was Sarita when she started playing golf?
Inicie a jugar golf, porque mi papa desde recién nacida me llevaba al campo de practica y a los seis meses ingrese a clases de natación para ganar fuerza muscular y motricidad, para iniciar mis primeras practicas de golf a la edad de los 22 meses al día de hoy
Sarita started playing golf when she was just 22 months old. She had already started swimming lesson at 6 months to build her coordination and muscular strength.
Sarita, where do you play and practice and what do you like about it?
Juego con la escuela de la Federación Colombina de Golf; ademas me gusta porque puedo compartir con niños de la misma edad, y por tener contacto con la naturaleza cada vez que lo practico.
I play with the Colombian Golf Federation, I like it because I can play with other kids and I have contact with nature every time I practice.
Are you having any lessons?
Actualmente tengo dos entrenadores: Mauricio Lozano couch de la escuela, quien se encarga de trabajarme el juego corto y el putt y Apolonio Lopez Jugador profesional con quien trabajo estrategia de juego en el campo, fortaleza mental y juegolargo y corto, entreno 4 veces a la semana.
I have two trainers, Mauricio Lozano, who is my coach from school. I also work on chipping and putting with him, and Apolonio Lopez who is a professional player in Colombia. I work with him at golf camp. I practice 4 times a week.
Which of your clubs do you love the most and why?
El Driver porque me gusta la distancia que logra la bola, actualmente alcanzo 110 yardas en cada golpe
The driver because I like hitting it a long way. I can hit my driver 110 yards.
Who is your favorite player?
Maria Jose Uribe, es la unica colombiana que representa nuestro país en la LPGA, donde quiero llegar a jugar cuando sea grande
Maria Jose Uribe is the only Colombian who has represented our country on the LPGA tour. That’s where I want to be when I grow up.
Carlos, you must be very proud of Sarita. What else does she love to do away from golf?
Sarita esta estudiando matemáticas desde los 25 meses en un método japones, la gustan mucho los números y le ha ayudado a desarrollar su lógica matemática y ser disciplinada con sus compromisos. Desde muy pequeña le gustan los tampolines en las piscinas y nadar.
Sarita loves to learn maths in the Japanese style but most of all she loves swimming and playing on the trampoline.
Where can people follow Sarita’s progress online?
Facebook –
Twitter – @saritadiazrojas
Youtube –