How you line up a golf shot pretty much determines where it will go. Aim and alignment are factors you can control before you swing, an important part of your pre-swing setup. Because we rarely hit it “pure” every time, a good pre-shot routine that gets you properly aimed and aligned to the target may help you have more “superior misses”.
Begin your pre-shot routine from BEHIND THE BALL. This is the only way that you can clearly establish the target line using both eyes (binocular vision). Once your brain has the intended message about alignment, you can begin your approach to the golf ball with confidence because this information is now stored in memory and the picture you viewed from behind will be there when you are addressing the golf ball at the side.
From this point, the procedure is straightforward and will become automatic with repetition.

Place your hands on the grip while keeping the clubface square.
Aim the square clubface to the target (A) on the line you established from behind the ball. The leading edge of your golf club will be at a right angle to the target line.
Align your body, checking feet, thighs, hips, and shoulders (B) parallel and left of the target line, addressing the golf ball. If you feel as if you are really left of your target, you will be aligned correctly. Do not align your body to the target… align your body left of the target!
.. and the last and very important step to line up a golf shot. With confidence, trust your aim and alignment and make your best effort to create the shot. Even if you do not hit it perfectly, it will likely be on line and heading towards the intended target – a great miss!
With experience and repetition, this pre-shot routine will become automatic. So remember…left is in fact, right! Take time to work on a quality pre-shot routine because if you aim at nothing, you will hit it every time!
Feature Photo: Michelle Wie lines up a golf shot at the 2018 U.S. Women’s Open Championship | Photo by Ben Harping