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Equipment, Rules, Etiquette

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All our lessons and guides on the gear you need to play your best golf with reliable information on the rules and etiquette of golf.

Why You Should be Fitted for Your New Putter

Missing the hole left and right or just can’t get comfortable over the ball? LPGA and PGA Class A Instructor Christina Ricci shows the key benefits of getting fitted for the most suitable putter length.

How to Improve your Swing Path at Home

LPGA and PGA Master Professional Alison Curdt shows how to improve your technique using a divot board or even your carpet at home to train your desired swing path.

Wedges – What’s in my Bag?

PGA and LPGA Instructor Cathy Kim shows you the wedges she carries, demonstrating each club and explaining which wedges are ‘must have’.

What are the Parts of a Golf Club?

Golf equipment terms can be very confusing to newer golfers. Dr. Greta Anderson describes all the different parts of a golf club and their unique role in your game.

Treating Heat Stroke on the Golf Course

What do you do when your playing partner gets heat stroke? Certified Nurse Practitioner Heather Rhodes, APRN-BC explains the signs, treatment and prevention of this dangerous condition.

What Clubs Should You Have in Your Golf Bag?

Legends of the LPGA Tour player Cindy Miller says if you’re just starting out, don’t feel pressure to use the same clubs as everyone else. Hit the ones you are most comfortable with.

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After your first login your browser should autofill your password. If it doesn’t, here is some information on how to change your settings.  Contact Jane if you need assistance.