Many golfers fear the flop shot and think it is a magic skill that only tour pros have. Maria Palozola shows how any player can play this very useful shot.
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What is a Flop Shot and How do You Hit It?

Many golfers fear the flop shot and think it is a magic skill that only tour pros have. Maria Palozola shows how any player can master this very useful shot.

One of the questions I am frequently asked by my students is what is a flop shot and can you show me how to hit one?

A flop shot is sometimes referred to as a lob shot and quite simply it is just a very steep pitch shot that’s will go really high up into the sky and then at landing it’s going to stick or grab with very little or no roll.

There are actually very few times during a round that you would need to hit a flop shot. However, some circumstances might require a flop shot, such as when the pin is tucked tight to the edge of the green and there is a bunker in the way that you must carry. So, even though you may only use it once or twice every couple of rounds, it’s still a very good shot to have in your arsenal.

How to Hit the Flop Shot

The flop shot is easiest to hit with a 60-degree wedge or higher and the easiest way to hit the flop is to set up open (aiming yourself left of the target for right-handed players) with the clubface open but still aimed at your target. This open stance will force you to take a steeper outside swing that will help you pop the ball back up quickly. You also want to play the ball forward of the center of your stance and make a nice long, slow, smooth swing and keep the face at the sky throughout.

Let the club simply dump into the ground which to me is the most important part of the flop shot. You really want to let the club hit the ground and hear that thud. Feel like the club is dropping under the ball, which forces you to hit down and allow the ball to pop back up.

In summary

  • Put the ball up forward in your stance.
  • Aim a little bit to the left of your target with an open stance.
  • Make a long slow smooth golf swing and simply dump the club into the ground; and
  • Keep the clubface open throughout the shot

A lot of golfers fear the flop shot and think there is some sort of magic skill that tour pros use in order to flop their ball on the green and get it to stick. Obviously, certain situations are more difficult than others and a good example would be when you have a shot over a bunker with very little landing room on the green between the fringe and the pin. Just let the ball get in the way of your swing and if you are on a slope, make sure to set your shoulders to match the terrain.

It’s simple … and it works. Give the flop shot a try in your next practice session and then take it out to the course

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