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Calm those First Tee Nerves - Alison Curdt

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Crush those First Tee Jitters

Do you get nervous on the first tee? If you want to improve your mental game, Dr. Alison Curdt shows you how using a pre-shot routine can help you get focused and prepared to hit the shot, while calming your nerves.
Increasing Your Motivation to Change and Improve Your Golf
Clinical psychotherapist and joint LPGA/PGA Master Professional, Dr. Alison Curdt has some concrete steps to get you motivated if you really want change but are struggling with the process.
Regulating Your Emotions on the Golf Course
Feeling angry or frustrated when you play? Dr. Alison Curdt has 5 steps to get you handling your emotions on the golf course.
Get Your Target Distance Right and Avoid That Front Bunker
PGA and LPGA Master Professional Alison Curdt says don’t always plan to hit it perfectly, even tour pros don’t assume a perfect shot.

WOMENSGOLF.COM is owned and operated by the Women’s Golf Group, the world’s most popular online community of women golfers. Right now you can become a Women’s Golf Member for less than $1 a week with instant and unlimited access to all lessons, groups, lesson requests and bookmarking.

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After your first login your browser should autofill your password. If it doesn’t, here is some information on how to change your settings.  Contact Jane if you need assistance.