Cindy Miller Practice Drill for Speed and Distance Womens Golf
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Flip Your Club Upside Down for More Clubhead Speed

LPGA Legends Tour player Cindy Miller demonstrates how to generate more distance with a simple practice drill guaranteed to increase your clubhead speed.

Most people believe if they keep their head down, front arm straight, turn their shoulders and shift their weight, they will hit the golf ball farther. That is the farthest from the truth.   When you watch LPGA Tour players on TV or in person, the one thing most people tell me is, they make it look so easy yet hit it so far.

The fact is that all tour players use their body as leverage and want to create speed where it matters most. The clubhead.

Flip Your Club Upside Down for More Clubhead Speed
Flip Your Club Upside Down for More Clubhead Speed

Grab your driver and flip the club upside down, practice keeping your body still, and make a few swings trying to make a loud swoosh with the shaft. You want to hear the loudest sound right at the bottom, where the impact would be. The louder the swoosh, the more speed, the more distance.

Your body will follow the swinging of the clubhead. Your shoulders will turn and your weight will shift as a result of you swinging the clubhead.


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