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Chipping Like a Pro Golfer – This Week’s Lessons

Golf has so many different parts but I love the short game most of all. You don't need to be athletic and strong to chip or putt well and you can work on it when the weather isn't good enough to get out on the course. If you're the same way you'll love at least three of the six lessons in this week's newsletter.

Since 2014 our founder Jane Filing has been sending a weekly email newsletter with all the new lessons and the best Women’s Golf Group posts from the past 7 days. Find out more about subscribing and see previous newsletter issues.

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Women’s Golf Group

Membership includes The Women’s Golf Group, the world’s most popular online community for women golfers! Exclusive lessons and shared favorite tips, course and equipment discussions and golf experiences.

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Latest Lessons & Tips

We publish a new lesson for women golfers every day! Here are the most recent lessons from our expert team of 28 leading LPGA/PGA qualified instructors. Some new lessons are available to non-members as examples for a short time. 

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