Ariya Jutanugarn - women's golf
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What You Can Learn From Ariya Jutanugarn’s Swing

Pick up great tips from Ariya Jutanugarn's powerful fairway wood swing in this expert video analysis by PGA Professional Pete Kelbel.

Expert swing analysis of Thailand’s Ariya Jutanugarn by PGA Professional, Pete Kelbel. Ariya is well known for leaving the driver out of the bag because she gets plenty of distance with her fairway woods (shown in this video).

How to Swing Like Ariya Jutanugarn

I love Ariya’s swing. This face on slow-motion Golf Swing HD video shows examples of the sound fundamentals that we all want in our swing, not just the pros. I like how she loads and shows torque (no sway) on the backswing and how she makes a powerful forward/rotational move on the downswing.

Here’s Ariya’s video. Pause at the times indicated (m:ss) to read Pete’s commentary.

What You Can Learn From Ariya Jutanugarn's Swing
What You Can Learn From Ariya Jutanugarn's Swing

0:00 Set Up

Here it is good to notice that Ariya’s feet are in a fairly wide stance as this is a fairly long club, a fairway wood!

0:08 Takeaway

Notice the nice width/extension with her arms and shaft as the back has just begun to turn with the takeaway!

Ariya at the top of her backswing
Ariya at the top of her backswing

0:16: Top of the Swing

Notice that she has a full 90-degree turn as her back is definitely facing the target. Her resisting lower body took the weight from the turning of her back without sliding (swaying) to the right. She is no closer to that tree to the right of her rear hip! That is torque!

Her left arm is extended. Her wrists are cocked fully as the shaft is now parallel with the ground. She is looking at the ball with her chin over her left shoulder, which is a good move to indicate a full turn.

Note where her front hip relative to the tripod camera behind her. It is worth noting because as you will see, it will move much closer on the downswing to the tripod camera as she transfers her weight forward. Also, note her right hip as it will definitely move forward more away from the one tree that you can see.

0:19 Halfway Down in the Downswing

You can see that she has indeed moved forward, toward the target with her weight shift. But, she did a wonderful job of clearing and rotating her left hip around. The downswing is a forward AND around move.

Note Ariya’s ability to keep her upper body and head facing the ball as her left hip rotates around! She really stores up her powerful lag for impact as you can see the wrists are still cocked and loaded!

0:20 Extension just after Impact

Ariya’s arms and shaft show her extension here as well! Her head is still looking at where the ball was, but just about ready to release and face the target in the finish!

0:29 Ariya’s Finish

A great finish with a body release just to the left of the target. See how her right shoulder is closest to the target, then her head, then her left shoulder! They do not finish all in a straight line facing the target, but just left of it!

Ariya Jutanugarn follow through - Womens Golf
Ariya Jutanugarn finishes her follow through and weight transfer up on her back toes

Her rear foot is up on her toes and very light as she transferred all her weight to her left. She is in balance. Her eyes are watching her ball travel toward her target!

Note how you can now see another tree to the right of her rear hip as she has made a tremendous weight transfer toward the target! Again, ensuring that the downswing is forward AND around!

Ariya Jutanugarn is a wonderful model for solid fundamentals – no wonder she is such a champion. I hope this description gives you a better idea of an efficient swing with parts we all need to work on from time to time!

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