Read Amy’s interview and her story on Karrie Webb on WomensGolf.com and stay up to date with Walshy on her website and by following @AmyWalshgolf on Twitter and Instagram.
David Burness is a talented photographer (and avid golfer) who brings his passion for sports through the lens to capture the excitement that draws spectators to the game. He has been shooting Sports, Concerts, Portraits and Weddings since 2004. David has captured sporting moments such as the Australian PGA Championships and the Australian Ladies Masters, the V8 Supercar Championships and has also photographed artists including Pearl Jam, Aerosmith, Nine Inch Nails and Elton John.
David is also a loving husband and father who lives in sunny Brisbane, Australia. You can find more of his work on Instagram @kineticimages and on twitter @kinetic_images.