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Playing Good Shots from Thick Rough Around the Green - Michele Low - Womens Golf

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Playing Good Shots from Thick Rough Around the Green

TPI Golf Instructor Michele Low shares her favorite tips for getting the ball close to the hole from thick greenside rough.
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Special Offer
Join the Women's Golf Group
Get Your Chipping Tempo Just Right
TPI Certified Golf Coach Michele Low shows how to make more solid contact with your chip shots by learning a consistent tempo.
Be Aware of Your Trail Shoulder Position
Michele Low shows the importance of the trail shoulder position in the golf swing highlighting common faults, such as lack of rotation in the chest and incorrect elbow movement during the backswing.
Lower Your Scores with the Bump and Run Chip Shot
Michele Low shares the setup, grip and technique for playing a more controlled low flying chip. With shorter swings, reduced wrist action, and paying attention to where the ball lands and runs out, you will achieve more consistency and have fewer errors around the green.

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