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perfect roll with your putter - womens golf - kellie stenzel

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Setting Up for the Perfect Roll With Your Putter

Kellie Stenzel shows how to aim your putter face and align with the target using your ball position for the best possible end-over-end roll.
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Where to Position the Ball When You are Putting
Where should the ball be in relation to your body when you putt? Here’s a great routine from Kellie Stenzel to get your ball in the same position every time.
Making the Putting Stroke
Kellie Stenzel demonstrates how to make the fundamental stroke action when you putt. This is a great guide for newer golfers and an important reminder if you are more experienced.
Keeping your Lower Body Steady when you Putt
LPGA Top 50 teacher and PGA Master Professional Kellie Stenzel demonstrates one of the golden rules for making more putts.

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After your first login your browser should autofill your password. If it doesn’t, here is some information on how to change your settings.  Contact Jane if you need assistance.