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Busting Some Golf Equipment Myths

Don't be fooled! LPGA Master Professional Deb Vangellow explains some commonly held myths about golf clubs.

Golfers are notorious for exploring and many times, investing in the latest and greatest golf equipment. And for good reason! The technology is impressive and the equipment itself is a big factor in whether folks enter and stay in the game.

With this being said, there is so much out there that is perceived as truth/fact and it might not be the case. As a golf educator, it is important that equipment evaluation and recommendation for my students be a major part of their learning and development. Thus, I have to be informed on what’s out there and need to be able to help my students choose equipment that is suitable for them while separating marketing methods versus realities, especially in these budget conscious times.

Based on the amount of e-mail and golfer interactions I have, I thought it would be beneficial to offer an understanding of golf equipment in a general sense by sharing some common “myths” and a bit of a response to assist in deciphering fact from fiction, perhaps. At the very least, it is food for thought as you delve into the enormous world of golf club options!

Custom Fit Golf Clubs are Only for Good Players

You need and want custom fit clubs to minimize swing errors and maximize your swing strengths. In fact, it is more important for the average player than not. While fitted clubs does not guarantee a lower handicap or improved swing, it can greatly assist you becoming a better player who enjoys the game more. The idea of clubhead, shaft, grip and length designed for YOU and YOUR swing…HUGE!

Women’s Golf Member, Diane Bednarczuk at the Geneva National Palmer GC | Social Group Photo

Lower Loft Equals More Distance

As counter-intuitive as it sounds, to get more distance off the tee often will require a higher lofted club. The majority of golfers do not have the very fast swing speed seen by very competitive players. You cannot match a slower swing speed with a low lofted driver. There is common belief about “run” after the ball lands, but there is a distance relationship involving carry and roll that has been researched to show higher loft is necessary and desired for better overall distance. Unless your swing speed is about 100 mph, you should consider 11-12 degrees of loft. Ladies? Consider higher loft at 14-16 degrees of loft. Yes…these clubs are “out there”!

Longer Length Equals More Distance

Most drivers sold today are too long for most players. The longer the club, the more likely you will be to hit it off center, creating a less solid shot resulting in shorter distance. For every quarter inch you miss the sweet spot on your driver, you lose about 5 yards in distance. Miss it by a half-inch, and you lose 10 yards. Finding the sweet spot will increase your distance but perhaps more noteworthy is the gain in accuracy you will experience. Shorter is better!

The Newest Golf Clubs Have a Larger Sweet Spot

This is a bit misleading…many drivers have a larger “moment of inertia” (a good thing), but the sweet spot/center of gravity is a point that is about the size of a pin head. It can’t get larger or smaller…it just “is”. With that being said, the larger club heads with a higher moment of inertia can take some of the twisting out that occurs when there is an off-center hit and the potential to hit a more accurate drive with adequate distance is enhanced.

You Can Purchase the Same Clubs as Tiger

While the head design and brand are similar, Tour players go through extensive fitting and building of their golf equipment to standards that are particular to that player. Testing each shaft in each club to provide optimal ball flight along with grinding/shaping of each clubhead is time consuming and necessary for these top players. It is not to say that you won’t be purchasing good golf clubs, just no where near what the Tour player is actually using. Getting custom fit for your swing, regardless of the manufacturer, can help you get what you need.

If it is not a “Brand Name” Club, the Equipment is “junk”

This is clearly misunderstood. Some of the finest golf clubheads are made in the same overseas foundries as most manufacturers, just not mass-produced, mass advertised, and then mass-assembled here in the states. Many times these clubheads are not brand names but still end up as very high quality clubs because they are custom fit and then built to your specific needs. Note that “clones” or “knock-offs” do not fall into this category…many times these cheap imitations are “junk” and should be avoided even if they look cosmetically close.

Cutting Down Clubs for Women and Juniors is Good

Please do not do this. While you are addressing an important variable in the fitting process (length), you could very well be changing the club characteristics by making them too heavy, too stiff, etc… For junior clubs, weight and flex are crucial and thankfully there are many terrific options. US Kids is a great example of a company that offers different length and shaft options that are available for purchase as single clubs or a set. Ladies? Know that you can also purchase single clubs or a set built to your specifications with many manufacturers.

Don’t forget the headcovers! Photo Deborah McDowell from the Women’s Golf Members Group

The Shaft Says Stiff… It Must Be Stiff and it is What I Need

The world of golf shafts is a confusing one. In fact, the options for shafts are so numerous that they are cataloged in a book the size of the phone book. One company’s “stiff” shaft does not equate with another…there is no standard in the industry. The shaft flex is equated with swing speed, but even this is difficult due to the ranges in flex that really exist. Trial and error is important when testing shafts…we always say if the demo is working for you…try to buy that demo! There is a relationship of sorts between the shaft flex and loft on the clubhead too…experiment with a qualified teacher/fitter. With that being said, note that from a pure shaft performance standpoint, 90 percent of folks are better off with a shaft that is more flexible than what they thing they need!

Bigger is Better and Titanium Hits the Ball Further!

This is also a bit misleading. It is not the size of the cluhead that makes it a better driver…most larger heads have the USGA max allowable “spring” on the clubface, but it could be related to the location of the center of gravity in these clubs. Often, the bigger the clubhead, the farther back the center of gravity is, resulting in a increase in height of the shot, a good thing as mentioned above. However, it gets a little tricky as to whether this is really the case or just a marketing gimmick. It is a better thing to optimize your launch angle for your swing speed via the loft on the club. Titanium will not hit the ball farther. The material does not result in increased distance, rather it is the combined variables (head, loft, length, shaft, flex, grip) that will produce a driving club that is optimized for YOU and YOUR swing. Most of the drivers today are made with titanium…a good thing…because the combination of lightness, strength, and elasticity might just help it not cave in when you smash into a golf ball!

It is my hope that the info presented does not confuse or depress you. There is a plethora of very good golf equipment out there to choose from to fit a variety of budgets. These myths/understandings presented are just to help clarify some assumed information. Getting custom fit for YOU and YOUR golf swing is so important and having this done by someone who understands the swing motion and equipment is crucial. An LPGA or PGA instructor has this knowledge and will want to help you with what is right for you and your golf game.

Women’s Golf Group Buzz

Kathrine - Group 220325

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